Friday, February 27, 2009

Mind state report 1

deleted =.=

A more organized blog.

Some of you may notice about my blog in wordpress which will be release in a week or so. Planned to write about my life into the world of comp technology. Further description are available there. You may not visit this blog that often as this is related to my so called "extraordinary" life which lies deep inside my mind and doesn't mean much to you. Please ignore all the posts below as I don't feel like deleting them because they may contain some of my information in the past although I don't do much update. Posts here maybe rather long and boring...but they are important for me. Ok, that's all for now...

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Awaken Mind Part 1

A personal report created for my own use. In case that you stumbled upon my blog, this post means nothing to you. Just ignore it.

Current brain state: Undefined conciousness.
Learning capability: Links are forming, things changes.
Blocks database: Left part light-blue and green. Information synchronization through brain is obvious.
Further links relation: Physics research proceeding. Experiment continues tomorrow. Structures completed.
Imaging skills: Visualization failed on characters faces, reflective dimension. 3D-structure clearly visualized.
Notes: Concentration in conjunction with imagination is low.
Question: How to stay at that state? Standing in the middle? Its so unbalance now.
Following time wave........