Monday, November 10, 2008


Debated for half an hour with my friend about existence and universe. I proposed randomness. The reasons I don't actually admire anyone is because of randomness. Probably I will really admire someone due to his/her talent is because of my feelings. Well, from my point of view, everything is random. There is no consistency within our universe. Every existence is random. It's totally random if you are reading this blog, studying, feeling about something, and any other things. There are people who said that we can't get things that we want for sure even if we are hardworking but if you don't work hard towards things that you want, you sure can't get it. I totally disagree with this statement. For me, there are too many things which I acquired without hard working. Sometimes, randomness may be associate with luck too. If you are able to do something correctly, you are clever, hard working, lucky or whatsoever, thanks to randomness. However, there are bad things through randomness too. The only thing human can do till now is minimizing randomness hoping that they have power to control certain things. Therefore, it is impossible for us to instruct someone to do things according to our thoughts or our will.(Too many theories are associated with this statement) However, it is human nature to control things they want. Everyone is only contributing to the nature to keep it balance. Whether you are weak or strong, you are moving towards nature too. The problem here is....what actually is the random generator in our universe? I think I will not know about this even after I am done contributing to the nature.

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